Why Existing in Family Photos Matters More Than You Think

Mum, You Belong in the Photo!

Memories are so important.

As a photographer, I have seen countless mums shy away from being in front of the camera. They say things like “I don’t like how I look” or “I want to lose a few kilos first”. But  the truth is, Mums need to exist in photos!

Memories are important. As a Mum, you are the glue that holds your family together. You are there for every milestone, every laugh, and every tear. But what happens when you’re not there? Who will document those precious moments? Photos are a way to freeze time and remember those moments forever. They are a tangible reminder of the love and connection that you share with your family.

Your children want to remember you. Your children love you unconditionally. They see you as their superhero, their rock, and their safe haven. When they look back on their childhood, they want to remember you as part of it. They want to see the way you smiled, the way you hugged them, and the way you looked at them with so much love. By existing in photos, you are giving them a gift that they will cherish for a lifetime.

You are beautiful just the way you are!

Mum’s, you are beautiful just the way you are! As a mum, your body has been through a lot. You may have stretch marks, a few extra pounds, or wrinkles. But those imperfections are what make you beautiful. They are a testament to the incredible journey that you have been on. You don’t need to be a certain size or look a certain way to be in photos. You are perfect just the way you are, and your family sees that beauty every day.

Time goes by way too fast. One minute, you’re holding your newborn in your arms, and the next, they’re walking across the stage at their high school graduation. Time goes by too fast, and we can’t slow it down. But we can capture those moments in photos. By existing in photos, you are freezing time and giving yourself and your family the gift of memories that will last a lifetime.

You deserve to be celebrated!

As a mum, you put everyone else’s needs before your own. You make sure that your family is fed, clothed, and happy. But what about you? You deserve to be celebrated, too. By existing in photos, you are celebrating yourself and all that you do for your family. You are showing the world that you are important, you are loved, and you are valued.

When you exist in photos, you are leaving a legacy for future generations. Your children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren will look back on those photos and see a part of themselves in you. They will see where they came from and the incredible woman who helped shape their lives. By existing in photos, you are creating a lasting impact that will be felt for generations to come.

Don't let insecurities hold you back....

Mums need to exist in photos. They are an important part of the family unit, and their presence in photos is a gift that will be cherished for a lifetime. So, the next time you shy away from being in front of the camera, remember that you are beautiful just the way you are, and your family wants to remember you as part of their story. Don’t let your insecurities hold you back from creating memories that will last a lifetime. Embrace the camera and exist in photos – your family will thank you for it.

Are you ready to exist in your family photos?

We would love to invite you for a fun, relaxed and timeless photography session with your most loved little people.

We will help you and guide you to ensure we capture the love, connection and bond you share between you and your child/ren. While we will not pose you, we will certainly offer a lot of direction to ensure you aren’t stiff and awkward in front of the camera. Plus, we’ll provide you with a styling guide to give you lots of ideas about what to wear to your photoshoot.

Are you ready to exist in your families photos? Let’s make this happen. Get in touch with us today and make sure you are following us on Instagram.